When a woman is too beautiful by mainstream standards.

Ulysses Alvarez Laviada
2 min readOct 21, 2018

It is a myth that all women, even the one whose body's symmetry align perfectly with Fibonacci numbers, feel insecure about their physical appearance.

There is a different kind of question that women ask themselves.

How to stop people judging a woman when she is extremely attractive by mainstream standards and by symmetric proportions which affect the brain in a positive way?

Immediately, the assumption is, she has no brain, she must be shallow or she is bribing her way through sex appeal to appear intelligent.

There is a different talk a woman requires to have with her inner self when she often "hear" voices telling her that she is not clever enough or that she doesn't have the brain and she feels that intelligent men and women patronise her in silent just based on her astonishing looks.



Ulysses Alvarez Laviada
Ulysses Alvarez Laviada

Written by Ulysses Alvarez Laviada

Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights. Friedrich Hegel.

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