A Philosophy without organs
From Antonin Artaud we get this:
"When you will have made him a body without organs, then you will have delivered him from all his automatic reactions and restored him to his true freedom."
From Gilles Deleuze, inspired by Antonin Artaud we get this:
"Particularly, desire implies the constitution of a field of immanence or a 'body without organs' that is only defined by zones of intensity, thresholds, gradients, streams. This body is as biological as it is collective and political; the structures emerge and vanish on it, it carries the peaks of deterritoralisation of the structures, or the lines of flight. It varies (the body without organs of Feudalism isn't the same as the one of Capitalism). I call it the body without organs because it opposes all levels of organisation, the one of the organism and also the organisations of power."
So, what exactly is body without organs in the context of Artaud's and Deleuze's utterances?
Why to call it a body? It could also be an idea, an object, a thing, a "this-ness" or haecceity of what is. It has to be human, human rendered or relational enough to be brought to existence by its "qualia".
The need for a body in Deleuze is grounded on his persistent need for a transcendental materialism or even better for substantialist Spinozism.
Why Deleuze ended up intensifying the threshold and gradients of just some words, which he wantonly turned into key philosophical words?
In all their intensities and fanciful "plane of immanences" Deleuze was delivering "taxidermied" key words for his readers' representational glutoned joy.
If he had undertaken the full scope of his task his whole conceptual structures would have collapsed like a house of cards. Such collapse, however, wouldn't have been the result of inconsistencies or because of its nonsensical structures, but because as Artaud said, it would have "restored him to his true freedom."
A body without organs is the haecceity of all existing things in the threshold of their becoming.
All Deleuze's key words self erase in the cosmic egg of our perceptual and daily sentient experiences.